





This is the bit where you can download lotsa things made by me! Wow.

Visual Basic 6 Runtime Files
You might need these to run a few of the programs on this site. This is not actually made by me.

Blocky Wars X (VB6 + DirectX) - 174kb
The wowsered up sequel to Blocky Wars. All funky-like. Plus comes with config. Hazoo!

Blocky Wars (VB6) - 152kb
Basic little game with two little blocks that kill each other. Red uses WASD, Blue uses arrow keys. Enter starts a new game. Simple. Keep the wav files in the same directory else it won't work. (game concept by Brad Hayward)

Showdown (VB6) - 188kb
It's the Digivolved form of Zug Wugger, in a way. 2-player only game, same sort of stuff as Zug Wugger but with better graphics and the option to Make Your Own Levels. Snazzy!

Zug Wugger (VB6) - 32kb
I'm very proud of this one. A weird little game that came from experimenting with arrays... but that's all technical stuff. Suffice to say, it's fun and good. So get it! Now!

Catch the Frik (VB6) - 60kb
Weird game I made in IT (aren't they all?). Original idea by Sam Lowe.
Good on ya, Sam.

Eat Cake (VB6) - 44kb
It's a fun game where you eat cake and try not to explode. See if you can find the secret mode!

Waister (VB6) - 24kb
A prank program. Send it to someone and tell them to install it. It takes ages and always has an "error" at around 98%.

Lights (VB6) - 52kb
A puzzle game. Clicking a square will change the colour of it and the ones touching it. See if you can make all the squares the same colour! (save option pending)